Как обещала, выкладываю цитаты из Uprooted. Очень забавно вышло, ибо большая часть изречений принадлежит Дракону. И почти все из них - цветистые оскорбления х)
P.S. Спойлеры под катом, я предупредила)
читать дальше“If you haven’t grasped vanastalem by now, there is nothing I can possibly do to help you,” he snapped. “In fact, I’m inclined to believe you mentally defective.“
“If you don't want a man dead, don't bludgeon him over the head repeatedly.”
“What an unequaled gift for disaster you have.”
“He was a thing of books and alembics to me, library and laboratory.”
“Then he spluttered at me, “You impossible, wretched, nonsensical contradiction, what on earth have you done now?”
спойлер“You intolerable lunatic," he snarled at me, and then he caught my face between his hands and kissed me.”
“His name tasted of fire and wings, of curling smoke, of subtlety and strength and the rasping whisper of scales.”
спойлер“The princess died next to me. She put the children in the wardrobe, and then she stood in front of it. They stabbed her over and over, and she just kept trying to stand up in front of the doors“
“All those stories must have ended this same way, with someone tired going home from a field full of death, but no one ever sang this part.”
спойлер“The long marching line of the army was coming out of the mountain pass, their feet raising a sunset-golden cloud of dust that rolled down towards Olshanka like a fog.
The Dragon turned back to me. “Well,” he said, caustic, “you’ve certainly brought more men.“
“Listen, you impossible creature,” he said, “I’m a century and more older than—”
“Oh, be quiet,” I said impatiently; of all the excuses he might have used.“Ну и бонусы.